How to Make Your Business Go Viral According to Jonah Berger

Jonah Berger, a marketing professor at the Wharton School and the author of the book “Contagious: Why Things Catch On,” has explored the factors that make products, ideas, or content go viral.

His research shows that it’s not just luck or random chance that makes something spread widely; there are specific principles that businesses can use to increase the likelihood of their products or ideas becoming viral.

These principles are summarized in his STEPPS framework: Social Currency, Triggers, Emotion, Public, Practical Value, and Stories.

Here’s a breakdown of these principles and how you can use them to make your business go viral.

1. Social currency

People like to share things that make them look good. This is the concept of social currency. Just as people use money to buy products and services, they use social currency to achieve positive impressions among their peers.

When your product or idea makes people feel smart, unique, or like an insider, they are more likely to share it.

How to use it: Find what makes your product remarkable or special. For instance, Blendtec, a blender company, became viral by creating videos in which they blended unusual items like iPhones, showcasing the power of their product in an extraordinary way. This made people want to share the videos because it made them seem in-the-know and allowed them to show off something interesting to others.

2. Triggers

Triggers are everyday reminders that make people think about your product. They are cues in the environment that prompt people to talk about or use your product.

For example, the phrase “peanut butter” often makes people think of “jelly.” Similarly, Rebecca Black’s song “Friday” became viral because every Friday, people were reminded of the song, prompting them to share it.

How to use it: Create content or campaigns that link your product to frequent triggers. For instance, if you are selling coffee, you could create a campaign around morning routines. The more people are reminded of your product in everyday contexts, the more they will talk about it.

3. Emotion

Content that evokes strong emotions is more likely to be shared. People share things that make them feel something—whether it’s happiness, excitement, anger, or fear.

High-arousal emotions, both positive and negative, drive people to share more than low-arousal emotions like contentment or sadness.

How to use it: Focus on creating content that makes people feel something strong. This could be an inspiring story, a hilarious video, or even something that provokes debate. The key is to engage people emotionally, as emotional content is more likely to be passed along.

4. Public

The more visible your product or idea is, the more likely it is to be imitated and talked about. When people see others using or talking about something, they are more likely to try it themselves.

This is why many successful campaigns and products have a built-in “show-off” factor.

How to use it: Design your product or marketing in a way that it’s easy for people to show it off. Think about Apple’s logo on their products or Livestrong bracelets. These items are publicly visible and act as a constant advertisement for the brand.

5. Practical value

People love to share useful information that can benefit others. Whether it’s a life hack, a great deal, or advice, if your content offers practical value, it’s more likely to be shared.

People share practical content to help others, but also because it makes them look helpful and knowledgeable.

How to use it: Focus on creating content that provides clear, useful information. For example, if you sell kitchen appliances, create videos that show innovative recipes or cooking tips. If you are in the tech industry, share tutorials or troubleshooting tips.

6. Stories

People don’t just share information; they share stories. Crafting a compelling narrative around your product or idea can help it spread.

The key is to make your product an integral part of the story so that people can’t tell the story without mentioning your product.

How to use it: Create a narrative that highlights the unique aspects of your product. For example, the “Will It Blend?” series by Blendtec turned a mundane product like a blender into something worth talking about by making its extraordinary strength a part of the story. Make sure your product or brand is woven into the narrative so tightly that the story cannot be told without it.


Going viral is not just about creating a flashy ad or a catchy slogan. It’s about understanding why people talk and share things and then leveraging those insights to craft contagious content.

By applying the STEPPS framework – Social Currency, Triggers, Emotion, Public, Practical Value, and Stories – you can increase the chances of your product or idea being shared and going viral.

Remember, the goal is not just to make people talk about your product, but to do so in a way that benefits your brand and drives business growth.

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