How to Make Your Business Go Viral According to Jonah Berger

Jonah Berger, a marketing professor at the Wharton School and the author of the book “Contagious: Why Things Catch On,” has explored the factors that make products, ideas, or content go viral. His research shows that it’s not just luck or random chance that makes something spread widely; there are specific principles that businesses can…

B2B Video Marketing: The Complete Guide for 2024

Video marketing has become an essential part of B2B strategies over the past few years. With the rapid growth of digital media consumption, businesses have realized that video is a powerful tool for engaging audiences, building trust, and driving conversions. In 2024, B2B video marketing is more important than ever. Featured Partner Turn Ideas Into…

How to Evaluate Developer Skills Before Hiring

Hiring a developer can be a challenging task, especially when trying to ensure they have the right skills for the job. It’s not just about finding someone who can code; it’s about finding the right fit for your company’s needs and culture. Evaluating developer skills before hiring is crucial to building a strong, efficient, and…

10 Biggest Business Lessons from Peter Thiel

Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and Palantir, has shared many insights on building powerful and lasting businesses. Known for his bold ideas and unique approach to entrepreneurship, Thiel emphasizes thinking differently, focusing deeply, and innovating from the ground up. This article explores some of his most important lessons. 1. Break down your reasoning and identify…

15 Creative Ideas for Your B2B Video Marketing

B2B video marketing is an essential tool for businesses looking to engage potential clients, generate leads, and establish their brand in an increasingly digital world. To stand out, it’s important to get creative with your video marketing strategy. Featured Partner Turn Ideas Into Videos. Powerful AI Video Creator. Create Attention Grabbing Videos Turn ideas into…

Biggest Hiring Mistakes B2B Tech Startups Make

Hiring the right team is crucial for the success of any B2B tech startup. The right employees can drive growth, innovation, and competitiveness, but poor hiring decisions can lead to delays, inefficiencies, and wasted resources. Featured Partner Great talent assessment software. Identify the best candidates faster. Great Talent Assessment Software Screen and identify the best…

How to Build an Unstoppable Business According to Hamilton Helmer

Hamilton Helmer’s book “7 Powers” outlines a strategic framework for businesses to achieve long-term success. He identifies seven “powers” that companies can harness to create lasting value and maintain a competitive edge. These powers act as competitive advantages that help businesses thrive in dynamic markets. Let’s explore each of the seven powers and the lessons…

Mentally Strong Tech Entrepreneurs: The 10 Things They Avoid

As a tech entrepreneur, mental strength is one of the most important qualities for success. You’re constantly facing competition, innovation, and the unpredictability of the industry. Mental strength isn’t about avoiding problems or hoping they disappear. It’s about tackling challenges head-on and using them as opportunities for growth. Tech founders, in particular, need resilience, adaptability,…

How to Recruit the Best Software Engineers for Your Tech Startup

Recruiting top software engineers for your tech startup is a critical step that can significantly influence your success. In today’s competitive tech landscape, hiring the right talent requires more than just offering a good salary — it requires a well-thought-out strategy. Featured Partner Great talent assessment software. Identify the best candidates faster. Great Talent Assessment…

B2B Social Media Content Ideas That Work In 2024

In 2024, B2B marketing continues to evolve, and social media remains an essential channel for companies to connect with their target audience. But producing effective content for B2B audiences can be tricky—businesses need to balance providing valuable information with engagement and credibility. Featured Partner Turn Ideas Into Videos. Powerful AI Video Creator. Create Attention Grabbing…

10 Great Questions to Ask a B2B VP of Marketing During an Interview

Hiring the right VP of Marketing for a B2B company is crucial. This executive role requires a deep understanding of both the strategic and operational aspects of marketing. The VP of Marketing will be responsible for driving campaigns, generating leads, increasing brand awareness, and ultimately supporting business growth. Featured Partner Great talent assessment software. Identify…

10 Proven Tips to Generate More Leads and Sales with B2B Video Ads

Video marketing has become a powerful tool for B2B companies looking to generate leads and increase sales. Unlike traditional forms of advertising, video content can engage viewers more effectively, convey complex messages quickly, and showcase a brand’s personality. Featured Partner Turn Ideas Into Videos. Powerful AI Video Creator. Create Attention Grabbing Videos Turn ideas into…